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Algorithms Policed Welfare Systems for Years. Now They're Under Fire for Bias

Algorithms Policed Welfare Systems for Years. Now They're Under Fire for Bias
A coalition of human rights groups has launched a legal challenge against the French government over its use of algorithms to detect miscalculated welfare payments, alleging they discriminate against disabled people and single mothers.

  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in public policy has become increasingly prevalent worldwide.
  • Concerns have arisen about the fairness, bias, and potential for abuse of AI algorithms in making decisions that impact citizens' lives.
  • A French welfare algorithm has been accused of discriminating against marginalized groups, including disabled people and single mothers.
  • The algorithm's scoring system is inherently biased and disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.
  • Transparency about the development and deployment of AI systems is crucial to prevent biases and ensure fairness.

  • In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in public policy has become increasingly prevalent. Governments around the world have begun to rely on AI algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and make decisions that impact citizens' lives. However, as these systems have been deployed in various contexts, concerns have arisen about their fairness, bias, and potential for abuse.

    One of the most contentious examples of AI in public policy is France's use of algorithms to detect miscalculated welfare payments. The algorithm, which has been in use since the 2010s, has been accused of discriminating against marginalized groups, including disabled people and single mothers.

    The French government's use of this algorithm raises significant questions about its impact on vulnerable populations. According to the coalition of human rights groups that has launched a legal challenge against the system, the algorithm analyzes the personal data of over 30 million people, giving each individual a score between 0 and 1 based on how likely it is that they are receiving payments they are not entitled to.

    However, critics argue that this scoring system is inherently biased and disproportionately affects marginalized groups. For example, people with disabilities are scored higher than others due to the algorithm's assumption that they are more likely to receive benefits without justification. Similarly, single mothers are also subject to a higher risk score due to their family situation, despite being statistically less likely to engage in fraudulent behavior.

    The French government has been criticized for its lack of transparency regarding the algorithm's development and deployment. The source code of the model used by the CNAF agency, which implements the system, has not been publicly shared, making it difficult for experts to analyze and critique the algorithm.

    Critics argue that this lack of transparency is a recipe for disaster. "Using algorithms in the context of social policy comes with way more risks than it comes with benefits," says Soizic Pénicaud, a lecturer in AI policy at Sciences Po Paris. "I haven't seen any example in Europe or in the world in which these systems have been used with positive results."

    The case has ramifications beyond France, as welfare algorithms are expected to be an early test of how the EU's new AI rules will be enforced once they take effect in February 2025. The use of social scoring – the evaluation of people's behavior using AI systems – is set to be banned across the bloc.

    "Many of these welfare systems that do this fraud detection may, in my opinion, be social scoring in practice," says Matthias Spielkamp, cofounder of the nonprofit Algorithm Watch. However, public sector representatives are likely to disagree with that definition, arguing about how to define these systems and their implications for vulnerable populations.

    The use of algorithms in welfare systems is not unique to France. Many countries have implemented similar systems, often under the guise of reducing waste and improving efficiency. However, critics argue that these systems perpetuate existing power structures and exacerbate social inequalities.

    "We've seen this pattern play out across Europe," says Valérie Pras, a member of Collectif Changer de Cap, a French group that campaigns against inequality. "If we succeed in getting this algorithm banned, the same will apply to the others."

    The case highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI systems. As these technologies continue to shape public policy, it is essential that governments prioritize fairness, equity, and human rights.

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  • Published: Wed Oct 16 15:46:23 2024 by llama3.2 3B Q4_K_M

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