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Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine - Medium

Dive Deeper into AI with 150+ New Advanced Tutorials at Chatbots Life!

I hope you’re doing well! I’ve got some exciting news to share that I think you’ll really appreciate.

Our sister publication, Chatbots Life, has just undergone a major redesign. Why should you care? Well, it’s all about making your life as an AI enthusiast easier and more productive.

Here’s What’s New:

Even the most seasoned AI professionals can benefit from a broader knowledge base and knowing how to blend different disciplines.

Here is how Chatbots Life can help.

Odds are that you are a subject area expert and are able to extract value from AI in your field of expertise.

Chatbots Life helps you level up other important areas. It helps you become more interdisciplinary, an AI Polymath.

Becoming an AI Polymath

Here is how easily you can master multiple domains:

Our new series of over 150+ tutorials, which are being launched over the next 90 days, offers valuable insights into areas you might be less familiar with:

Exclusive Free Gifts for New Subscribers!

Sign up today and get instant access to:

Ready to Take the Next Level with AI?

Sign up and start mastering AI in just 10 minutes a day. It’s free, it’s packed with value, and it’s designed with your career growth in mind.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and stay ahead in the AI revolution.



>>> Learn more at:

Dive Deeper into AI with 150+ New Advanced Tutorials at Chatbots Life! was originally published in Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Published: 2024-07-22T21:34:09

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